Black Raspberry Vanilla Striped Bath Bombs Recipe

Black Raspberry Vanilla Striped Bath Bombs Recipe

How to Make Black Raspberry Vanilla Striped Bath Bombs

Our stainless steel bath bomb molds are a great way to make perfectly round bath bombs quickly. These generously-sized bath bombs are scented with delicious black raspberry vanilla fragrance oil. Feel free to substitute the fragrance oil or essential oil blend of your choice. If you decide to use less fragrance oil, add a little extra sunflower oil to make up the difference.

This recipe is absolutely loaded with skin-nourishing oils and butters. You can substitute any light oil for the sunflower oil, such as avocado, sweet almond, rice bran or olive oil. You can substitute mango butter or extra cocoa butter for the shea butter, if you like, but don’t substitute the cocoa butter in this recipe – it helps harden the bombs.

Kaolin clay and cream of tartar are included as hardeners in this recipe. You can substitute a colored kaolin clay for all or part of the clay in this recipe.

This recipe is moistened with 91% isopropyl alcohol as it contributes less added water than witch hazel. Paradoxically, a little water is necessary to harden your bombs, though too much will set off your bath bombs and lead to bumpy or warty bath bombs. Only 1 tsp of water is included in the entire recipe in the form of tap water and liquid colorant. If you want to use two colors in your bombs, eliminate the ½ tsp of tap water. If you want to make uncolored bath bombs, use 1 tsp. of tap water.

Making bath bombs takes a little practice. For best results, choose a dry day. If it is raining or very humid, you may have some difficulty. A dehumidifier can improve your results.

This recipe makes 9-10 extra-large 3” bath bombs. If you would like to use a smaller mold, this recipe will yield more bath bombs.


  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Yield: 9-10 large bath bombs, about 8 oz each


  • Prep Time / Clean Up: 15 Minutes
  • Perform Time: 20 Minutes
  • Dry Time: 2 Hours
  • Total Time: 4 Hours 40 Minutes, 40 Minutes Active Time



Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Ingredients


Before starting this tutorial please make sure to read all instructions. Use caution when handling melted oils. Do not weigh fragrance oils into plastic containers; use glass or stainless steel. Use gloves when mixing to keep your manicure from getting scratched.

Cover the muffin pan with plastic wrap. Do not pull the plastic wrap too taut; you are making a little “hammock” for the bath bombs to rest in while they dry.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 0

Step 1 – Mix the Bath Bomb Base

Melt the cocoa butter and shea butter in a microwaveable bowl or 4-cup Pyrex measuring cup for about 3 minutes on high power, or until melted, stirring midway through. Alternatively, melt the butter mixture in a double boiler on the stove top. Set aside to cool briefly.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 1a

While your oils cool, combine the dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Break up any clumps using your fingers.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 1b

Add the sunflower oil, polysorbate 80, isopropyl alcohol, and the fragrance oil to the melted butters. Stir to combine.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 1c

Pour the oil mixture over the dry ingredients. Mix with your hands to combine, breaking up any clumps.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 1d

Divide the mixture in half. Remove half and transfer it to another mixing bowl.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 1e

Add ½ tsp. of purple liquid colorant to half of the bath bomb mixture. The mixture will fizz, but don’t be concerned. Mix with your hands. Add ½ tsp. of water to the other half of the bath bomb mixture. Mix to combine.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 1f

Test the consistency of the bath bomb mixture. It should be the consistency of wet sand and hold a shape easily. If the mixture is a little crumbly, add a dash of isopropyl alcohol. If the mixture seems too wet, add a little baking soda. You may want to take the opportunity to make a practice bomb with each color. If your bombs crack, your mixture is too dry. If your bombs flatten out on the bottom, your mixture is too wet. Adjust accordingly.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 1g

Step 2 – Mold the bath bombs

To mold a bath bomb, place a little of each color in each half of the stainless steel mold. Do not press.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 2a

Heap the opposite color in each half of the mold. Again, do not pack the mixture in place, instead mound the mixture in the center.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 2b

Cram the two halves of the mold together. Do not twist. Clean the edges of the mold with your thumb.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 2c

Hold the mold in one hand and use your opposite hand to give the mold a little squeeze. Remove one half of the mold and set aside. Invert the bath bomb into your palm and remove the other half of the mold.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 2d

Place the finished bath bomb on your lined muffin pan.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 2e

Make the remaining bath bombs. Allow to dry for two hours before moving. Allow to dry for 24 hours before using.

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe Step 2f

To use a bath bomb, fill the tub with hot water, and turn off the tap. Drop in a bath bomb and enjoy the fizzy show! One bath bomb should fizz for 2-3 minutes. Enjoy your bath!

Easter Surprise Bath Bomb Recipe



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